Monday, January 2, 2012

2011: A Year In Review

Kolton Michael Junkans was born January 19th, 2011 at 7:51am
8lbs 7ounces, 21 inches

His birth was pretty traumatic.  I ended up having an emergency C section and was even put under for the procedure.  I didn't meet my little man for a few hours after he was born as I had to come out of anesthesia and be moved to the maternity floor.  I was instantly in love from the moment Mike put him in my arms

I'm not going to lie; that first month was tough.  I had trouble breast feeding and Kolton wasn't gaining weight.  In the end I pumped and supplemented with formula.  I'll be honest I had no idea exactly how to care for him.  Mike and squabbled a little here and there about what we thought was right.  And Oh, those sleepless nights!  My advice to any new mom...take some birthing classes but also take some infant care classes!  The nurses will help you through the birth but no one is there to tell you what to do at home.

Hanging out in the "Green Jungle" as we called it.  At this point I really thought we were in for a dark haired, brown eyed, little spitting image of his mama.  Can't you see why?  

I think this photo was taken around 5am as that was his usual rise time.  We would go downstairs and watch country music videos...there isn't much on at 5am!  I love this one because it pretty much shows that Sophie is never far away and looks after him constantly.  I laugh because I also see the pacifier which her never really latched on to. 


Looking back I can't believe how much he changed in just 3 short months.  But I remember that time seemed to go by very slowly.  April was when Mike told me it was very likely we were going to have to move away from Baltimore.

 At 4 months Kolton started jamming his hands in his mouth.  I just thought he had discovered his hands.  Little did I know he was already cutting two teeth!  I feel like he hasn't stopped cutting teeth since then.  He has 8 now and constantly chews his fingers which I'm guessing means those molars are coming soon.

 Time for Kolton's surgery.  When he was born we were told that he only had one testicle and even that one hadn't descended.  The surgery was successful and we brought our little guy home with 2 perfectly normal testis.  He also had two hernias repaired and the circumcision done at the same time.  It was an outpatient procedure and he quickly recovered at home.  This was also when I quit working to be a stay at home mom.


Probably one of my all time favorite photos!  Kolton's 1st trip to Ocean City.

By August we were living in Richmond, VA

In the south summer lasts for a lot longer than in WI!

I couldn't get enough of this cute tiger costume.
Kolton crawled for the first time right before Thanksgiving. The allure of Sophie's dishes are like moths to a flame =)

Santa's first visit to Kolton.  We are still in WI for our holiday visit and cherishing this time spent with family.

Looking back at the year like this makes it seem ridiculously short!  I also realize that 2011 was all about me learning how to care for an infant.  Kolton's needs were relatively basic the whole, sleep, and poop.  With the strides he's made this past week alone I know that 2012 will be all about him...walking, talking, learning, and growing.  OMG I can't wait!  Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute recap!!! My how he has grown in such a short period of time! It was SOOO nice seeing you (and meeting Kolton) - I hope you had a good trip back and that the new year is treating you well! :)
