Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's the Cheesiest

Feeding a toddler.  Why is it so hard?  I'm seriously considering stocking up on purees again.  Kolton was a champion puree eater.  It made me feel good knowing he was getting all of the recommended vitamins and then some.  Now, I am getting so sick of wasting food!  And I feel like he isn't getting enough.  Of course he loves his mac n cheese.  But I can't give him mac n cheese at every meal...can I?

Oh, and what sort of time limit do you impose?  On one hand I worry about him eating enough but on the other once we've reached about a 1/2 hour of picking at it I think we're both done!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally fine feeding AM the same stuff a few days in a row (especially if that's all she'll eat).

    As for time limits - I usually just wait until I can tell that she's moved from actually eating the food to just playing with it. Sometimes she'll still be eating after 20 minutes so a half hour doesn't seem unheard of to me.
