Saturday, January 7, 2012

Date Night

All week I was looking forward to my first official date night with Mike.  Our 4 year wedding anniversary was on December 29th.  It seems like every year one of us has been sick plus it always manages to get swept up into the holiday rat race.  So we've never really done anything to celebrate.  This year was going to be different!  Yeah, right...  This year Kolton decided tonight was the perfect night to get his first fever.  We had been out shopping for a few hours and outside of being a little cranky here and there, presumably from being tied down to the stroller, he was relatively fine.  But when we got home a little later than expected and he refused to eat or take a bottle I started to wonder if something else was wrong.  Instead he wimpered and cuddled into me as I rocked him down for a nap.  I was just getting into the shower when I heard he was awake.  When Mike came into the bathroom and told me he still wouldn't take a bottle I just knew we were not going to make it out tonight.  Sure enough Kolton was burning up.  His temp read 101.3 but it was the way he was acting more than anything that let me know there was no was we could leave him with a sitter who was due to arrive in a 1/2 hour!  Thankfully she doesn't live too far away so I was able to cancel before she left the house.  A short while later Kolton threw up.  Oh boy, here we go I thought.  Then he wimpered more and cuddled more and went to sleep some more.  I was soooooo worried!  But after a dose of Little Fevers and another hour of sleep Kolton woke up and took a bottle.  Although not all of it stayed down most of it did and he smiled, laughed, played, and was his overall normal self.  I wish I could have gotten him to look up for a photo because nothing thrilled me more than to see the sparkle back in his eyes!  Happy Anniversary Sweetie!  We are the luckiest parents in the world to have such a sweet baby boy!

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