Thursday, January 5, 2012

Almost Perfect

Today was one of those almost perfect days.  Kolton slept in until nearly 9:00!  Then, after running a quick errand, we went to Panera for breakfast where an older couple oohed and aahed over my little guy.  After they departed I looked up to find a young boy also waiting to tell me what a cute baby I have.  Meanwhile Kolton experimented with musk mellon and seemed to enjoyed it quite a bit.  Back at home he went down for a nap and I caught up on my internet musings. Time really flies that way!  Before I knew it it was time to head to our afternoon play date that consisted of 4 boys and 2 girls.  Nothing like coffee and conversation to pass the afternoon.  For dinner I gave my little guy a shot at my favorite food...Mexican!  He ate almost a whole cheese quesadilla from Qdoba and applesauce.  I would have liked to give him a little more play time before his bath but something in his diaper told me it was time.  Bath time was a joy complete with squeals of laughter and splashing.

So am I making you gag yet????

 After being in WI for almost two weeks I'm working on getting Kolton back in his normal routine.  Think daylight savings and quitting smoking at the same time.  After being completely coddled and spoiled by the Grandma's I'm sure there are some withdraw symptoms.  The payback for his late wake time was that he was not ready to go to bed at 7:30 and I don't rock him until he falls asleep. I  know, I'm a big meany!!!  So I instituted the ingenious rule set up by my friends the Kirkhams.  You let the baby wail and cry for as many minutes as he is months old.  It helped that I had dishes to do so the running water drowned out what I didn't want to hear.  Guess how many minutes it took Kolton to stop crying?  Exactly 11!  After 10 minutes 50 seconds of bottle washing I turned on the monitor and still heard sobs.  In the 10 or so seconds it took me to get up the stairs he had stopped.  I almost ruined it when I poked my head into his room but no joke he was asleep!  I hate having him fall asleep that way.  I guess I just think being upset will carry over into his dreams.  But I just checked on him and he's snoring peacefully.  So outside of those 10 minutes we had a great day!

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