Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The other day Kolton, Sophie, and I were out for our morning walk when a stray dog came up to us.  It was about the size of a German Shepard.  My first reaction was to yell at the dog but then I'd be the crazy lady yelling in the street.  So against my better judgement I let the stray come up to us.  He followed as I started walking again.  Within minutes I saw a man walking  towards me with an empty collar and leash.  He told me that the stray had been seen in the neighborhood for a while now and recently killed his cat.  The dog had obviously been trained at one point because he was responding to commands to sit but wouldn't sit still long enough for the man to put the collar on him.  The guy even had doggie treats and still couldn't get collar around his neck.  So we continued on and the guy headed home.  Well the stray was obviously very interested in my dear little Sophie.  Then the man asked if I wouldn't mind walking Sophie to his fenced back yard so that we could trap the stray and call animal control.  Basically using Sophie as bait.  It seemed logical enough so I did it. Yes, I am that stupid!!!!!

Once we got to the yard I quickly realized that I was putting myself, my baby, and my fur baby in potential danger.  What the hell was I thinking?!?!  The man had to run around the yard to close the other gate.  So while he did that I anxiously watched as the stray cornered my little girl at my feet.  Um, this dog had just killed a cat and Sophie is not that much bigger than a feline!  I yelled for the man and he came around to help.  Now the dog wasn't showing real signs of aggression but I think that's besides the point.  I breathed a sigh a relief and walked away quickly.  That stay was back at my feet in 10 seconds flat.  He had jumped the fence!!!  So Sophie was used as bait yet again to get close enough to put the collar on.  My heart was pounding all the way home.  What is it about the suburbs that makes me so suspicious of people?  I should have just walked home and called animal control.  But of course I didn't have my cell phone on me.  Don't you just hate it when life finds a way to teach you lesson?  Thankfully nothing bad happened and hopefully the dog was microchipped or something and will be returned to its owners.  But I will carry my cell phone on my walks from now on!


  1. I am ultra suspicious as well. When we first moved in here, I even thought the ice cream truck guy with hippie hair and a beat up truck was potentially a threat to Zoey and even went so far as to taste-test the ice cream I purchased for her. Nothing wrong with protecting ourselves and our families.

  2. Poor little Sophie! Glad to hear you're bringing your cell phone with you next time young lady :)
