Monday, November 14, 2011

42 Weeks!

I love that I was able to capture Kolton sticking his tongue out in this weeks' pic.  He's been all about it lately.  So at 42 Weeks we are still waiting for him to crawl.  I will admit that I am getting very anxious about it.  Kids his age are pulling themselves up on things, nearly walking and yet our little guy seems no where near that.  I know, I know, all babies develop at their own pace but this seems kind of crazy.  Whats even crazier still is I've asked countless moms what they did or how their children did it and they all say the same thing "the kid just did it on their own".

I need to interject that as I'm writing this post I'm suffering stay at home mom embarrassment.  The guy is here to winterize the sprinkler system.  I knew he was coming but I didn't get around to changing out of my pj's, brushing my hair, or even getting a bra on!  Granted his work is all outside but I had to answer the door this way.  Ooops!

Part of the reason why I haven't gotten around to taking care of myself yet, besides checking emails and doing this of course =), is that Kolton has already taken a 7oz bottle, ate breakfast (oatmeal & bananas), and pooped twice!  He is a really poopy kid!  Every morning is a little like this.  A lot happens then he'll nap around 10.  Around noon he may be ready for 4oz of formula.  I say may because he doesn't always take it.  By noon its been 5 hours since he's had a bottle and 4 since he's had anything.  It just always surprises me that he still feels full from the morning.

Well I better go pull myself together a going to be a beautiful day here in Richmond and I hope to spend a little bit of it outside while we still can =)

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