Wednesday, May 25, 2011

18 Weeks!

I admit I am totally one of those freaks who now count the passage of time in weeks instead of months!  This used to completely confuse me.  Now, whenever someone asks me how old Kolton is I usually consider my audience before responding.  If it's someone I either know or assume to be a mother I reply in weeks.  If it's a man or younger person asking I reply in months:)

Last Friday Kolton had his 4 month well baby checkup. 

weight=14lbs, 8.50z  birth weight=8lbs,7oz
height=25in  birth it height or length, same thing I suppose????

He is measuring in the 50 percentile for both height and weight but 75 percentile for head size...I wonder if that's why he still can't quite hold it up for a long time yet!  He still hasn't rolled over yet and although I'm eagerly anticipating it I'll just enjoy his immobility while it lasts!  His favorite things to do are still hang out in his green jungle activity mat or eat his fists.  And the best part; he sleeps 11 hours / night on average.  Yippee!!

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