Wednesday, December 19, 2012

You Know Its Love

We had another fun trip to KidMed last night!  Kolton got a stomach bug.  It didn't really hit until bedtime but he refused to eat dinner so that should have tipped me off.  After his bath we were sitting in his room chatting and singing songs like we always do when all of the sudden he puked.  I had given him some milk after dinner, which I never do, but since he didn't eat I thought I needed to fill him with calories.  Of course I was in the line of fire so I quickly got us both changed and back in the chair.  I thought it was just a fluke...I was very wrong!

He threw up 6 times over the next 1.5 hours.  Each time the amount of fluid increased.  Each time I foolishly changed our clothes top to bottom. We were sitting on the couch waiting for a call back from the on-call pediatrician when he gave me the sign once again.  I slid off the couch and sat in the middle of my living room while Kolton heaved 3 times.  You know its love when the feeling of warm vomit hitting your chest and rolling down between your boobs doesn't completely gross you out!

Needless to say I didn't wait any longer.  I changed us both yet again and got in the car.  Thankfully I had the good sense to pack yet another set of clothes because he threw up again in the waiting room.  And that is where I got pissed off and I'm going to rant....

While I was getting Kolton out of his car seat an SUV zoomed into the parking lot and two adults raced inside ahead of me.  Turns out it was a mom and her 14 year old son.  We approached the desk at roughly the same time but she was first and asked about getting an X-ray for her man-child that was clearly not in any pain.  Meanwhile I'm begging someone for assistance and was told I was welcome to use the bathroom.  Ok, What?!?!  It's not like my 23 month old knows how to heave over a toilet bowl!

When I emerged covered in vomit the receptionist did little to help besides hold forms for me to sign.  The mom with the teenager had the audacity to roll her eyes at me!  She shooed her son to another part of the waiting room.  And they were sitting in the SICK CHILD AREA, where SICK CHILDREN SHOULD SIT!  Then I had to wait while they got called back.  ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME!!!!!!  I don't know, I guess I thought she would see my situation was a little more dire and let me go ahead of her.  Ugh!

So we were back where we had been just a few weeks ago and Kolton was losing his shit.  I think he definitely remembered because he was crying hysterically while getting his vitals done.  We had to go through the same song and dance about him refusing to drink things that kids normally like.  The nurse practically shoved a piece of ice pop down his throat.  I begged her to stop and had to say over and over he doesn't like that stuff on a normal day, so he's not going to like it now!!!!

He did get anti-nausea medication that helped a lot although he continued to spit up a little.  I was so happy just to get him back home in bed, and shower.  This morning I got to face the piles of laundry I had created all around the house.  The smell coming from Kolton's room was completely foul.  The stomach bug had progressed to diarrhea...awesome!  I've gone through at least 12 diapers today, given two baths, and little man's tushy is so red and irritated.  He's never really had a problem with diaper rash but today the Desitin was in full effect.

Sorry this got so long! Hope all is well with all of you!

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