Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

We made it!  We actually landed in Minneapolis at 7:45am CST.  Christmas Day is always spent at my dad's and we had a really nice time.  Kolton continued to keep us worried though by refusing to eat or drink anything.  By the time we went to bed we were resigned to the fact that we were most likely headed to the hospital again the next day.  But little man bounced back a little and drank nearly half a glass of milk and ate some french toast.  He still isn't completely back to normal and most of our time is spent pleading with him to eat. His pediatrician called and said his IGA and IGG numbers came back low. Basically his ability to fight off infections is compromised some what.  She told me not to "freak out" or anything and we will  test him again at the end of January.  So I'm just trying to relax and enjoy our time at home. 

Kolton finally grasped the concept of opening presents.  He gets bored after a few but its been really fun to see him rip the paper. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

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