Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

It is a little bit of a shame that Thanksgiving kind of gets swept up into the whole Christmas Hoopla.  Thanksgiving is the opening act to the main event.  It doesn't quite stand on its own.  But it is definitely a time to reflect on what is good in our lives.  This year I am thankful for my healthy, happy, almost 2 year old, precious, still my baby, light of my life, little boy.  Plus my sweet as pie, apple of my eye, still my baby too, little bestie, Soph-A-Loaf.  I'm also thankful for the fact that Mike seems to have found his stride at this new company, maybe things will work out for the better!  And that we can afford to fly back home for both holidays this year.  I'm all packed but I never did get my tree up.  Oh, well!

So, I buy this ridiculously expensive dog food for Sophie.  She is picky and this is the only combo she will eat.  She eats Merrick dry food mixed with those little Chef Michael's canned soft food.  They are nearly $1 a can!  To stretch things out I try to use only 1/2 a can for each feeding.  I'm in either Target or the grocery store so much that I usually always pick up a few cans just so I'm not spending a ton at one time.  ANYWAY---  This week at both Target and Petco I found a random coupon stashed in with the cans.  Some coupon crusader must be going around stashing unwanted coupons for other people to use.  I laughed out loud when it happened the second time.  Thank You Coupon Crusader where ever you are!


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