Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Is it just me or has January been the longest month ever?!?  Throw in a 70 degree day and I am all out of sorts.  Its hard to believe that we are still in the middle of winter.

So I hate to admit this but I've noticed that my fuse is getting shorter and shorter.  Ugh!  I honestly don't believe that yelling is ever the answer.  But I find myself yelling at Kolton once a day.  My outburst usually revolves around trying to get out the door.  He is just in constant motion; putting his socks on can take 20 minutes only for him to pull them off again.  I don't know how you working moms do it!

The problem is the yelling is actually effective.  It just grabs his attention enough to stop him in his tracks for a second.  But I absolutely hate myself for doing it.

So I wrote this post and then watched an episode of Super Nanny.  Just to be clear I yell things like "Sit Down!" and "Stop!"  or sometimes just "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!"

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