Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Memory Keeper

I feel kind of sorry for kids today because chances are they will never feel the thrill of stumbling upon a box of old photos.  I found pictures (including the roll of film!) from about 10 years ago.  My trip to London & Barcelona, a brother's wedding, and the early days of my relationship with Mike.  I also found baby pictures of both Mike and I...obviously those are older than 10 years =)  As I was staring at them I tried to remember the last time I actually printed out pictures.  Sure Kolton will have computer files to look through and maybe a produced memory book or two.  But gone are the days of stashing stacks of prints in a box to travel through time.

1 comment:

  1. When Snapfish is having one of their crazy sales, like 300 prints for $1 I try and order a bunch from the year...
