Thursday, August 23, 2012

Here Kitty Kitty

On our morning walk I noticed a sign, complete with picture, on the edge of the community indicating someone had lost their cat.  I'm actually slightly amazed at the number of people that have indoor/outdoor cats around here.  So on tonight's walk when I saw a cat with a likeness of the sign I wasn't quite sure what to do.  The pain in the ass was that the signs were only up on poles at the edge of the community so I had to run and find the house number.  The cat was in a storm sewer thingy pretty close to the address on the flyer.  Um, I should probably mention that an undisclosed reward was indicated!  Anyway, heart thumping, I knocked on the answer.  So I went next door...nothing again.  Mind you I now live in a townhome community so the doors are like 10 feet from one another.  When I could clearly see lights on in the end unit I couldn't wait.  I Found The Cat!  I Found The Cat!  The woman spied me curiously.  "Ummm, is your neighbor still missing their cat, because I think I see it in that gutter"  I said.  "So, that cat is dead."  She replied.  "Oh, no,'s right over there"  I said pointing.  "I knocked on their door but no one was home."  "Oh, Ok, I'll let them know."  Hmmm, I was kinda thinking that the neighbor would help me catch it.  But since she jumped about a mile when Sophie sniffed her ankle I assume she isn't an animal person.  So, now I feel completely guilty!  Should I have tried to catch it in a crate or something?  I'm not even sure this is the cat!  I also left a voicemail but haven't heard anything back yet.   I feel so guilty!  If Sophie was lost and someone saw her I would be wondering why they didn't try to bring her in.  But I also didn't want to get clawed by some random feline.  I'm really hope they get reunited; even if I don't get my reward.

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