Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weight of the World

The weight of being so negative is crushing me so I'm deciding to let it all go!

Living in Richmond.  It is what it is.  All this thinking and talking about how much I miss Baltimore is distracting me from living my life here.  You never know what the future holds and maybe someday we'll be back there.  But for now I'm thankful that those friends are just a 2.5 hour drive away =)

Kolton's Development.  I've let myself get caught up in comparing him to other kids his age.  It's a slippery slope.  I'm stopping.  He is a perfect creation and just like any other human being, big or small, he has strengths and weaknesses.  I love him for everything and all that he is!

There are also a million little things I beat myself up over.  But if I can let go of those two big things then maybe those won't feel so heavy.


  1. As someone who's also moved around a lot, it's such a crapshoot as to how it will work out each time. All you can do is focus on the positive in your new situation and keep moving forward. I remember visiting you in Baltimore that first year and you missed Minnepolis like crazy. Friends will come, but they are definitely harder to make as adults since we're all so busy and entrenched in our family lives. And frankly, I think we're pickier. We know ourselves better and we aren't going to waste our energy hanging out with people we don't really connect with. Eight years since leaving Madison, my best friends are still the ones I made there.

    And as far as Kolton's development, you shouldn't worry about it. I have known so many kids who crawled, walked or talked later and now at age 3, they are running around and being silly like all the others. He is one beautiful boy, but I know you already know that!

  2. I'm glad to read that you're letting the things that bring you down go. While I've pretty much stayed in the same area my entire life (so I can't relate to that) - I hear ya on the development thing. It is so tough! And then it doesn't help when people make "comments" about your child's behavior (whether they mean it negatively or not).

    I think Kolton is a cutie patootie. And like youre friend, Katina, said - kids all seem to catch up developmentally at some point. And you never know which 5 year old was the first to do something or the last.
