Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We got a little troubling news at Kolton's 15 month appt.  The pediatrician recommended that we get him evaluated for a possible speech delay.  At his age he should have a vocabulary of 3-5 words and he doesn't have any.  I'll admit that I was pretty upset about it.  Maybe I've just had too much blind faith that everything was OK even though he is a little behind.  Thankfully everything else looked good so the probability of Autism is relatively low.  Although the Dr. didn't want to say absolutely not...I think they just do that at the risk of being sued later.  So, now we are waiting to here back from the county.  They send someone out to do the evaluation for free and then make therapy recommendations from there.  The biggest question I have is What does this mean?  If it means he'll just be a little limited but eventually catch up I am totally fine with that.  I'm hoping it doesn't mean he'll always have trouble speaking.  To me that doesn't make sense because I know he can hear and use his voice.  He just has to make the connection.

Here are his other stats

Height: 2'7.5''  55%

Weight: 21 lbs 12 oz  35%

Head:  19"  90%

I'm really trying not to spend too much time worrying-it gives you something to do but doesn't make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there - Email me if you have questions. Luca gets speech therapy through the county and we have seen improvement (obviously, she is very different situation than Kolton!!). From all the research I have done, a speech delay does not mean anything for the future necessarily. But the sooner intervention is introduced, the sooner the delay may be over. I know how devastating hearing that type of information can be. Hang in there and let me know if you have any questions about the process or anything.
