Thursday, March 29, 2012


Last week was incredibly warm and sticky.  While my mom was here she decided that Kolton needed a little rinsing off one day.  Well he fell in the sink and a little rinsing turned into a full on sink bath!  I've never really used the sink to bathe him (maybe one other time)  IDK, its just something about trying to get clean where the nasty food has been that seems icky.

I've always known that Kolton is a little more sensitive than other little boys, or really babies in general.  Its hard to explain but he's just so incredibly cautious.  Probably why he has yet to let go and walk on his own.  It takes him a while to warm up to something new; even new toys.  But at the same time he isn't afraid of strange faces; he even seems flirtatious!  But sometimes I wonder if he'll always be this sensitive and I worry about what that will mean for him.  Last night we went to the music class at the church.  He has been there plenty of times but two weeks ago I ended up having to leave in the middle of class because he was having a melt down.  We were a little early last night and he started to cry when we simply walked into the room.  Crying like he was scared.  He calmed down outside then spent the first part of the class hiding behind me before finally warming up and participating without being attached to my shoulder.  But when the song leader turned off the lights to wind things down Kolton jutted out his bottom lip and started to cry.

I'd like to keep bringing him there because I think it's good for him to be exposed to people and kids.  But I don't want to terrorize the poor little guy every week.  When I was in kindergarten I ended up being held back because I was scared to death of the principal when he dressed up in full gorilla costume on Halloween.  I remember being told I should have known it was only make believe and not a real gorilla.  I'm afraid Kolton is going to be the same way.  I just hope this doesn't mark him for bullying or low self esteem.  Am I ridiculous for worrying about this already?

Anyway, here are more photos from Grandma Barb's visit.  We miss her already!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're ridiculous to worry about it. I often wonder if certain personality characteristics are ingrained in all of us or if we're somehow shaped to fit these characteristics.

    Annmarie is mean. There, I said it. She is mean to other kids. She throws epic tantrums sometimes and the girl isn't even 2 yet. I fear for the "terrible 2s".

    I'm trying really hard not to keep thinking these thoughts because I'm afraid that I'll somehow (subconsciously) do things to shape her into staying a mean, tantrum throwing child.
