Monday, March 12, 2012

Babble Fest

 It's sooooo light out still.  Why don't I remember putting Kolton to bed with it still light outside?  Strange.  Last night he babbled for a long time before finally settling down.  I just put him down and I can tell he's not sleeping; just babbling away.  This weekend was a babble fest!  I'd say "Ma, Ma, Ma," and he'd respond "Da, Da, Da".  But we were still having a conversation.  I'm hoping that this latest development means we're close to his first words.  I'm so excited to get to know him better!

I'm really trying to keep a level head about his development.  But, I will admit, I'm a little anxious about it.    He's on the low end of the learning curve.  At almost 14 months he isn't walking, talking, drinking from a sippy cup, or using a spoon/fork.  My pediatrician wants us to start weaning him off of bottles but the kid has zero interest in sippy cups.  I've tried a slew of different kinds but none have done the trick.  For a while I thought I was going to be able to get him to drink out of a straw but now he just wants to pull it out of the cup like a game.  Right now he has 3 bottles a day.  I'm trying to get rid of the night time one because half the time he doesn't drink it anyway so I don't think I'm depriving him of anything really.  But what do I do if he still won't drink from a cup next month?  If anyone has any tricks please share!!!!

On an unrelated baby note I gotta say how excited I am for the spring/summer color trend.  At first I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it because my wardrobe is typically void of a lot of color or print.  However, once I realized I can now throw on any crazy color or even print combination I'm ready to go color crazy =)


  1. Our pediatrician said the same thing about weaning from a bottle and I can say that AM has NO interest in drinking her milk from anything else. She drinks water (and water ONLY) from a sippy cup. Her milk has to come from a bottle. So if you hear some tricks, share them with me! My co-workers said I just need to get rid of the bottles all at once and force the sippy cup on AM. They said she'd resist for a bit but eventually would be hungry enough to want the sippy cup with milk. I don't know though.

    You should start posting your fashion! I want to see your color and print combos. I still need to head over to JCP to check out the colored denim you told me about.

  2. It's time for Sippy Cup Boot Camp! Put all the bottles away. They will be stubborn for 2 or 3 days and voila, all of a sudden the cup looks pretty darn good and they never look back. Obviously make sure you are hydrating and feeding them, but if they are thirsty they WILL use that cup!
