Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Yesterday we hosted a play date at our house.  It was the first time Kolton had to deal with sharing HIS toys in his environment.  He did OK but had a few issues here and there.  I also witnessed him experiencing jealousy for the first time.  One of the babies was having a bottle, and you know Kolton loves his bottle.  I wasn't about to give in, especially since I'm trying to break him from the bottle.  But I did give him milk in a sippy cup.  You know what, he drank the whole thing!  I decided to keep going with the sippy this morning and he drank the whole thing again!  So it looks like I stumbled into the motivation to drink from his cup =)

In other Kolton news; the kid is really throwing me for a loop lately!  After barely napping at all on Sunday now he doesn't want to go down for his morning nap at 10:00 at all.  But he acts tired, or at least a little cranky.  I got so used to having a schedule now I don't know what to do.  Thankfully my mom comes into town tonight for a week (whoo hoo!) so maybe by the time she leaves he will be on a new schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Harrison isnt so good at sharing toys either! He threw a fit at the park on Sunday when he had to share his zebra with Annmarie! Wow, I really need to make more of an effort to get H off the bottle, good for you. Im going in on Friday for his 18mo appt and am ready to be scolded by the Dr...
