Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rub A Dub Dub

What a great weekend!  Mike was working so I took Kolton up to Baltimore.  My friend Megan's husband was also out of town which made the perfect recipe for a girls weekend =)  That's her son, Harrison, in the tub with little K.

We stayed in and watched movies on Friday night.  Then on Saturday Megan convinced me to join her and Harrison at swim lessons.  Kolton had never been in a pool before so I was a little hesitant.  Um, yeah, as suspected Kolton screamed bloody murder the entire time!  Oy!  I was basically sneaking into this class and was now drawing a lot of attention from the instructors.  While the other babies happily motor boated, splashed, and dunked in the safety of their parents arms I was desperately trying to get Kolton to relax.  The instructor wanted me to stay in the pool as this reaction was some what normal for first timers and the worst thing to do was take them out.  All I wanted to do is hide.  But, I will say that I am really glad we went because now I know what to expect.  I had planned all along to get Kolton enrolled in swim lessons.  There is a session at the Y that begins in May that I hope to get in to.

By the time both boys were done napping-not simultaneously of course-and the girls (the four legged ones) we walked it was time to get ready for mommies night out!  After sushi at Ra we went to a place called Pazo for desert.  Pazo is really swank which I love!  I have been there more than a few times over the years but I'll always remember that first visit with Mike.  It was on our house hunting trip before we even moved to Baltimore, before we were married, BEFORE we had a baby!   Being there again after all this time and all this change brought back a ton of emotion.  But being there with my girls made everything feel just right!

1 comment:

  1. Ya, Im so glad you came to keep me was so much fun!! The pool just takes some getting used to...Harrison got comfortable with the indoor pool, but when I tried to take him to an outdoor one in the summer, he screamed!
