Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!  Last week got really really busy.  Kolton and I ended up hanging out with the Innsbrook MOMS twice.  Once in the park; where I discovered that he will eat muffins, and that I have to start looking at preschools soon after he turns one so he can start at 2.5.  WHAT????  My baby in school at 2.5?!?!  Then we attended a Trunk or Treat event.  We met in a parking lot and the little ones got dressed up in their costumes to trick or treat at each car.  The moms that were on top of things had decorations and everything.  I of course was not prepared and just had a bowl of candy sitting in my empty trunk.  So the mom dating is going OK and I now have 5 new Facebook friends =)

The one thing I have to watch myself on is dissing Richmond.  When ever someone asks how I like it I can feel myself making a face.  Then I quickly explain that we are still adjusting to the change in lifestyle from the city to the suburbs; our family lives in Wisconsin; we have a big group of friends in Baltimore, etc etc.  However, I realize I'm talking smack about their town and many people love, love, love it here.  So I think I need to watch it or else I'm going to come off as a big bitch!

But of course we spent the weekend celebrating Halloween with friends in Baltimore.  Friday night I had dinner with the girls & Kolton.  We went to Roy's which is a pretty nice restaurant.  Kolton did wonderfully and sat quietly through the 2 hour meal.  I think the waitress assumed we wanted to eat and run because of him because she seemed to hurry us a little.  But we took our time and even though we had to eat so early (6:00) because it was already dark it still felt like a night out.

The weather was so cold and rainy on Saturday that all of the day's Halloween activities were cancelled.  Oh well, that just meant we had to stay through Sunday!  But we did get to celebrate Marshall's birthday Saturday night.  I've thought so much about how much I miss our friends that one thing thats escaped me is how much Kolton misses them.  It was so great to see the babies interact with each other now that they are all starting to become more aware.  We stayed to watch football and attend the lantern parade on Sunday.  The babies didn't quite make it long enough to actually see the parade.  But Kolton was able to jam to some drumming for a bit.  We ended up coming back late Sunday night. I figured Kolton could just sleep in the car.  He didn't make a peep the whole way home but was wide awake when we walked into the house.  I flew home making it back in just under 2.5 hours!  I swear I wasn't speeding that bad!  But it took me an hour or so to get Kolton to settle back down so I'm still feeling a little sluggish today.

Here are some pics from the great weekend!  Special thanks to Kristin & Alec and Megan & Marshall for letting us crash at their place =)

These two are only 3 weeks apart.  Note:  Annmare is crawling and Kolton is still just chillin.

Ready for some football!  The Packers were on a bye so little K is dressed for the Ravens.

Getting all set to head to Patterson Park for the lantern parade.

Stroller Strides...Wow, am I short or what?!?!

Snack Time!

Amy & Tiger warming up back at the house.  Kolton's new thing lately is sticking out his tongue ;)

I hope everyone has a happy & safe Halloween tonight!  I think we're all a little tuckered out from the weekend we'll just stay in.  And from what I've heard we don't really get trick or treaters.  So you know what time it is?  Time to start planning for Christmas and 1st Birthday Party!

I just re-read this and realized it seemed like Mike wasn't there, which he totally was!

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