Thursday, October 13, 2011


Halloween is coming up fast.  I'm not really a big fan.  I just feel like there is so much pressure to have a fun & creative costume.  Now that I'm a mom I feel the pressure to make sure Kolton has a fun & memorable holiday. Yes, I know he won't exactly remember it but I feel like all of his firsts need to be special because one day he might want to see pictures.  Our new neighborhood in Richmond doesn't have that many kids in it so I'm not exactly sure what we'll be doing.  But I do have a costume for him so he's definitely getting dressed up at one point.

I've never really liked Halloween.  It just represents all things that I, well, am TERRIFIED of...spiders and ghosts for example.  UGH!  That and the fact that my dad used to scare the crap out of me every Halloween.  He and my brother would take me into the scary mask isle at Shopko put on the masks and then change their mannerisms to creep me out.  These trips always ended up with me in tears and them laughing hysterically.  I'm sure this isn't exactly the way it happened but it's how I remember it.  Oh, and I got kicked out of kindergarten because I wasn't mature enough to understand that a principal dressed up in full gorilla costume wasn't an actual gorilla.  Hey, I was 5 and I was scared!!  But since I cried at school I was labeled immature and my mom had to take me out.  Yup, I was one of those kids who got held back. 

I wasn't sure how Kolton would react when I took him to see my Dad's scary Halloween decorations.  He gets really into it and has a pretty loyal trick or treating population.  Kolton seemed unfazed.

There was one monster that had him scared to tears.....................................................................

The Elmo head goes side to side and sings when you push any of the buttons.  When we first set Kolton in front of it he wailed and sobbed these huge crocodile tears.  I felt so bad for him!  But it was later in the evening on Sunday and since then the kid is seriously addicted.  Oh, Elmo you and your wicked ways.

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