Wednesday, October 19, 2011

9 Months!

To my darling baby boy,

You have existed in this world almost as long as you lived in my belly. And look how far you've come!  At 9 months you are just the most hansom little guy.  We get stopped a lot when we are out and about so that people can marvel at your cuteness.  You are still so incredibly happy and content; I must be doing something right!  I'm just not quite sure how to motivate you to crawl.  But that's OK, because you can stay my baby for a little longer.  You're definitely on the verge so I know it won't be long.  I feel so bad because you've been teething like a maniac for months.  You are now up to 8 and have to be cutting more because you are still constantly putting your fingers in your mouth.   But you're definitely tough because I haven't had to give you anything for the pain outside of a few drops of Oragel here or there.  The funny thing is you don't really like to put them to use.  You hate eating anything with texture; puffs, cheerios, yogurt melts...forget about it!  You put up your hands to block the offensive things I try to feed you or immediately spit out those I sneak on your spoon.  Thankfully you still love your baby food so I feel like you're getting your nutrients.  And just last week Grandma Barb got you to eat a graham cracker for the first time.  I'll tell you one thing, those little buggers are sharp!  I've been on the receiving end of a bite or two from you=)

We've been living in Richmond for about 4 months now.  I can't say that we are totally loving it-mostly because we miss our friends and family so much!  But I am so incredibly happy because I get to spend every day with you.  You just light up my life and I have not a care in the world when you smile at me. We spend our days eating, playing, pooping, napping, and watching a little Grey's Anatomy.  I'm making strides at getting into a gym routine and you are perfectly happy to go to the daycare there.  I spend a lot of time thinking about how I'm going to be the kind of mother you deserve.  My greatest hope is that you will grow up knowing how absolutely and completely I love you.  I'm not perfect and a little silly at times.  There are probably a lot of things that I'm not doing right.  I know for sure you'll never love my cooking-that's why you have two wonderful Grandmas and a Papa that are great cooks!  But I promise there is nothing you could ever do to change my love for you.  I will always be there for you and I will constantly strive to be the best Mommy I can be for you.

Love You & Like You,

ps:  You still sleep like a champ!  Please, please, please make that last =)

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