Monday, September 19, 2011

8 Months Old!!!!

Make it stop!  He's growing up too fast!!  Kolton is 8 months old today.  I look around his nursery and play area and marvel at the things he's outgrown already.  I used the swing for the first time in a while the other day and he looked extremely bored.  Now that he can sit up on his own the Bumbo, bouncy chair, and baby bathtub are things of the past.  I'll still use them now and then of course but these used to be daily staples.   AND how sad that the green jungle gym, once his absolute favorite, now just sits in the corner of the play area collecting dust.  I'm starting to become very aware that I will soon have a toddler and not a baby!

I love that I feel I'm getting to know him a little more each day.  It's easy to generalize babies into one big group.  We've been to only 2 Romp N Roll classes for 3-12 month olds and I can definitely differentiate some personalities.  More than anything Kolton is curious and observant.  I mentioned months ago in this post that he takes 3 times to get used to an activity.  You can just see the wheels turning in his mind when ever he has a new encounter.  But he doesn't respond the best if a new thing is introduced too fast.  He's definitely a thinker before you leaper.  Let's hope that continues!  But once he decides to do something there is no half way. I'm predicting that he's going to be very focused and determined through out his life.

But of course he is still just the sweetest thing ever.  He now has 6 teeth; four on the bottom and two on top.   He still sleeps through the night (love that!) but is down to only two naps a day.  Although he is careful in general he is still a tremendous flirt; quick to give up the smile to the ladies that ooh and aah over him when we're out and about. I can take him out shopping or take him out for lunch or dinner without too much hassle.  Target is his favorite destination! I'm not sure if he's more attached to me or I'm more attached to him.  Probably the latter.  I love him more and more every day.

1 comment:

  1. Annmarie seems bored in the swing too! Doesn't time just feel like it is flying by?
