Sunday, February 10, 2013

Almost Normal

This was the first weekend in almost a year and a half of living in Richmond that felt a little like what I thought our normal lives would be like.  Friday night I had a girls night out and then we got together with another couple (kids included) on Saturday night.  Yeah Us!

I'm hoping the weekend gets me out of the funk I was in last week.  I spent a lot of time worrying about the things I cannot change and some I have no control over.  Like Kolton's lack of progress in speech.  An episode of Teen Mom 2 sent me into a tailspin.  If these girls are able to raise their babies to talk just fine then why the hell can't I?  I know deep down that I'm not doing anything wrong.  Its just so easy to get down on myself about it.

I'm excited to tell our speech therapist that Kolton did a great job identifying colors this week.  Every once in a while he would get distracted but for the most part I was a very proud Mama!

1 comment:

  1. It is not you!! You are doing a great job and each kid is different in terms of timing. Hang in there!
