Thursday, December 15, 2011

Still Sick!

I tried to stage a holiday portrait session with little man but this was the only expression I could get!  We are both still sick!!!!   On Monday we went to the doctor and got antibiotics.  Kolton's of course coming in the form of the great pink cure all-Amoxicillian. I couldn't help but sneak a taste....Mmmmmm! Its just been a ridiculously long time for a cold to hang on.  Mine morphed into a sinus infection and the pressure between my eyes nearly drove me insane.  I am feeling much better but Kolton still has a never ending running nose.  Ugh!  We haven't even been to see Santa yet because I don't want him being the snot nosed kid sitting on Santa's knee!

So I hate to admit it but since we've basically been shut ins we've been watching a lot of TV.  I still try to have it off for the greater part of the day while Kolton is awake but (sigh) I'm not always successful.  Anyway, since I've been watching a lot there are a couple of commercials that I have issues with.  Have you seen these?

1)  Foldgers-the one where the brother comes home from Africa or whatever. There is the most awkward exchange I've ever seen between a brother and a sister!  This one has been running for a few years.  Take it off the air!  It's Creepy!!!!!

2) Digiorono Pizza-the hip hop party.  A teenager poses as a pizza delivery guy to gain access to the party.  He rings the door bell...Sophie loses her shit EVERY TIME and starts barking at the door!  I wonder if the ad execs did any research on the effects this commercial would have on dogs????  While it does get my attention I'm boycotting them just because I'm so annoyed!

Just had to get that out there!  Hope everyone is having a happy, healthy, count down to Christmas =)


  1. That Folger's commercial!!!! It is SO gross. It gives me the heeby jeebies. Folgers HAD to have tested that commercial with people. How do they not know how creepy it is?

    (and I hope you guys feel better! I had the plague around Thanksgiving and AM currently has a double ear infection. Not fun)

  2. Was just thinking that SAME thing. Hey big brother, YOU are my present this year....ewwwwwww. Hope you guys feel better soon!
