Wednesday, August 3, 2011

28 Weeks!

Right after this picture was snapped this morning I put Kolton in the Jumparoo while I went to grab a cup of coffee from my awesome new Keurig coffee maker that I got for my birthday.  Upon my return I thought I smelled something pretty offensive.  I wasn't sure if it was him or Sophie who was nearby as usual.  (For those of you who have had the pleasure of experiencing Sophie farts you know why it was questionable.)  I sat down on the floor to encourage the jumping process.  Then Kolton made a concentrated grunt face.  If I had only known...

First, I saw poo running down his leg as it hung from the Jumparoo.  Oh No!  How the hell was I going to deal with this?!?  I'm not sure how it happened but when I looked down I already had poo on my shirt.  Thankfully Mike was home to lend a hand but he was already dressed in a suit for work.  He lifted Kolton out of the Jumparoo while I tried to catch remnants from reaching the carpet; I missed a couple drips!  At the changing table Mike backed away as quickly as possible.  I had a small hope that maybe this was just a case of a lose diaper.  I was so, so, so, very wrong!

There was poo EVERYWHERE!  To make matters worse Kolton was crying.  Either from me having to hold his legs up as I went through wipe after wipe after wipe (gagging), me screaming at Mike to get a plastic bag, or perhaps just the sheer volume of poo that was produced!  The amount that landed on the changing pad from his back was enough to fill a diaper alone.  OK, bath time!  I got him cleaned, changed, and in the crib.  Then I went out to deal with the drips on the carpet ASAP.  Well Sophie, being the good big sister that she is, was already trying to cover Kolton's tracks.  I don't know why but she was licking up the poo spots! This was both disgusting and endearing to me at the same time. It actually helped quite a bit so all I had to do was spray carpet cleaner.  I sat there marveling at her animal instincts when I saw this...

Oh, yeah; that's Kolton's poo all over Sophie's head!  As he was dangling in the Jumparoo she must have got up and under him to investigate.  At this point Mike is bolting out the door!  I couldn't help but just laugh.  OK, bath time for Sophie too!  I hate to admit it but I haven't given Sophie a bath in years, I usually take her to the groomers so I wasn't sure how it would go.

Kolton has been napping since the incident.  I think it really took it all out of him!

1 comment:

  1. I needed this story to brighten my day!

    AM had a few "projectile" poops in the first 2 months. And as gross as it all is - it still makes me laugh.

    Poor Sophie! :-)
