Friday, July 29, 2011

27 Weeks!

This week was a big week.  Kolton handled the move so well.  He transitioned to his new room smoothly. Although he has been waking up and making a bunch of racket a bit more than usual.  So maybe he is very aware that this is a new place even though he has his crib and his buddies from the mobile.  BTW, I love this mobile and would totally recommend it to any new mom.  There are three different sounds to choose from; music, nature, heartbeat, and it lasts a really long time.  Kolton isn't sitting up on his own yet so I still have the canopy on.  But even when we have to take it off I'm sure he'll continue to love the projector feature.

The other thing that's causing the night time outbursts is he gets his arm stuck through the slats of his crib.  This is why they invented bumpers.  I know it's recommended that no bumper be used at all but whatever, I use a breathable one.  I haven't unpacked Kolton's room yet so the bumper is MIA.
Or, maybe he realizes the color of the walls is different?  Don't get me wrong he's still sleeping through the night like a champ.  Just making a bunch of noise is all.

The other thing he started doing this week is playing with his hair during bottles.  So sometimes it's still hands over the eyes and sometimes he's pulling his hair...hilarious!

So while Kolton is doing relatively well my other baby isn't doing too hot.  We ended up taking Sophie to the vet yesterday because she started throwing up all over the kitchen floor.  She hasn't really had much of an appetite since the diarrhea episode the other day so we thought we better take her in just to be safe. Mostly we were worried that she got into something in the yard.  Even though I've been watching her to make sure that doesn't happen!  Well $170 later; yeah you read that right $170!!!!  they told us to feed her chicken and rice.  Well, duh; I know.  However, she puked again after we got home so I'm glad to know she's physically OK; this is all related to stress from the move.

In other news, I turn 33 today!  I'm going to spend the day avoiding boxes and taking care of my two babies:)

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