Monday, July 2, 2012


I graduated from high school in 1997.  This past weekend was my 15 year reunion.  Unbelievable that I am really that old.  It was a lot of fun to see everyone.  Its hard to believe that so much time has passed. My high school was very small, my class was about 70 kids, and I'd say about 1/3 of the class was there.  From what we know everyone is still alive but 2 are in jail...nice!  I feel a little bad but basically I just talked to all of my friends and didn't even say hello to those I didn't know as well.  I just wasn't in the mood for awkward conversation I guess. But in my defense they didn't approach me either. I find myself thinking a lot about who I was then, who I am today, and who I've been and known in between.  The funny thing is I feel I was more mature and self assured at 18 than I am at 33.  Is that weird???? 

Kolton has been a little energizer bunny.  Its slightly tragic how much time I spent worrying about him walking because now the kid does not sit still!  He basically walks around in circles going from one room to the next and back again.  AND OMG he is so off schedule I don't even care anymore. We're talking small little cat naps and 10:00 bedtimes.  Gotta love summer time!  I'm wishfully thinking that he'll magically get back on track once we are home...but we are here for another week!

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