Sunday, July 29, 2012

18 Months

Height:  32.5"  50%
Weight:  22 lbs 20%
Head: 19" 90%

Dear Kolton,

I wanted to make sure I document who you are at 18 months because you have certainly changed a bunch in the last 6 months.  I used to worry about how introverted, timid, and shy you seemed to be.  Well worry no longer, at 18 months you are rambunctious!  Don't get me wrong you are still thoughtful and a little cautious.  But once you know how to do something you are NON STOP.  Just like walking...  You waited until you were 17 months old to walk on your own consistently but in no time you are running.  You also love to stand on furniture and even in shopping carts!  I think your favorite thing to do right now is wrestle Sophie.  She tolerates you because she loves you so much.  However, I need to teach you how to be gentle with her because she's my little lady and I need to protect her too.

The funny thing is that now that you are soooo independent you've also become more clingy simultaneously.  All of the sudden you want to be with me ALL of the time.  You even cry when I put you to bed but stop by the time I get downstairs.  So, why bother?  I think its because you hate being away from me.  This weekend we are packing to move to our 2nd Richmond home.  My dear, you are TERRIFIED of the noise the packing tape makes.  I don't get it, I really don't get it.  It breaks my heart to see you so afraid but Mommy and Daddy need to get stuff done.  It has taken a really long time to pack because 1/2 the time you are in my arms.  The other 1/2 of the time you are clinging to my leg.  I can only guess that you sense a big change is coming. However, you are also scared of the blender.  I wish I knew what was going through your head so I could ease your fears.

At 18 months you have not spoken any real words yet.  The pediatrician is concerned and wants me to get your hearing checked.  I was never worried about you hearing and after the tape incidents this weekend I am definitely not worried.  If anything I think maybe you hear things louder than they actually are.  But, I'll do it just to rule it out.  I've heard so many stories about kids who don't speak until they are closer to 2 or even 3.  You make a lot of sounds and I still love hearing you "talk" to yourself through the monitor in the morning.  Words will come.  And just like all of your other milestones it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you started speaking in sentences.

Well, my precious baby, we live in a crazy world.  A week or so ago a psychotic man brought a gun to a movie theater and killed 12 people.  Within the past month I found out one friend is dealing with the passing of her father, a boy I knew as a teenager has an inoperable brain tumor, and a high school acquittance just lost his 8 year old daughter to another mysterious spine mass.  I lay awake at night thinking about these people and praying they are able to make it through these dark days some how.  And I'm reminded what a privilege it is to be your Mommy.  Even when you are being whiny or pulling my hair, which hurts a great deal by the way.  It is a privilege to love and teach you.  I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful son.

Love You & Like You,

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